It's ok.
I bought a the original PS2 from this site not to long ago, and the console came with this controller. To start with, the square, triangle, x, and circle buttons click nicely, I like the d-pad, it also clicks nicely, L1 and R1 feel nice, and click good, and the start and select buttons feel fine and work as intended, your thumbs might kinda rub off of the analog sticks, but it's really not a problem. You likely won't have a problem with any of those buttons. The controller feels ok in your hands, and is very light. The L2 and R2 triggers are a bit harder to push down compared to the original Sony PS2 controller, or the PS1 controller, witch is ok, but I prefer the original controller's L2 and R2 buttons, and it doesn't feel that good in some games. My biggest problem is the analog sticks, they do move around nicely, an click ok, but they don't move around as smooth as the original Sony controller, and they don't click as nicely when pressing them down, the one thing that I dislike the most is that the analog sticks are too sensitive, for example, with the original PS2 controller, when aiming down a gun like the Ruger in GTA Vice City for example, witch is a free aim gun, moving the gun around feels smooth, and you can be accurate with your shots. When using this controller, and aiming down the ruger, you have to push the analog stick just a very tiny bit, and you have to be very precice with your movements to move your gun a small bit, due to this when aiming, it's not neerly as smooth to aim, and I couldn't pass a mission within the game, in this mission, you fire at gang members from a helicopter, and for the last few enemies, it is very hard to aim at them, but if you try to be precise you also have to worry about the helicopter moving around, and you'll have to move the gun in slowly in different derectins, but even then the heli gets shot up, and you fail the mission, it's the same with any game, for some games, this might not be as big of a problem. I would recommend buying the original Sony PS2 controller, or use a Sony PS1 analog controller, there are a few other options to. If you intend to use this for games like fighting games, I might actually recommend this, due to the d pad that's actually pretty good, but overall, if I were you, I'd buy the original controller, a PS1 analog controller, use an adapter to use a PS3, or 4 controller, or a better 3rd party controller.
Reviewed by: Liam Flannigan from Pennsylvania on 11/14/2019
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