One Of The Best For SNES!
This may not be as well as known as say Zelda or Donkey Kong, but this is one of the best games for the SNES! It falls in with the greatness of the Donkey Kong Country games, The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past, Chrono Trigger, EarthBound, Super Mario World, the Final Fantasy games, and Super Mario RPG Legend Of The Seven Stars, all for SNES! This way you know what I'm talking about.
The game actually IS the best, music wise. It consists of difficulty level setting. And is really difficult nonetheless. If your ship explodes (if you die) brace yourself for the most unpleasant sound you'll ever hear. The dying sound is so unbearable, it makes you try so much harder not to die. So, you die, your ears die also. It's a side scroll shooter. You can choose a set of weapons already made, or make your own. you can shoot missiles, lasers, beams, shield yourself in various ways. The further you progress, the more surprises enemy wise you get, and the difficulty as well.
If you do not know about the Gradius series, or like it without even playing their games, Then this game is sure to get you involved here.
As for the 's part, perfect, item in great condition. And many reviewers don't try again if they actually recieve a bad copy, so they write bad reviews. All you have to do is send the game back, and lukiegames will make sure the 2nd time your new copy will be absolutely perfect. I first had recieved a copy of Super Smash Bros. for N64 and it was broken, but i shipped it back and asked for a replacement, not much time later, I got the best game in the world! Which IS Super Smash Bros.
lukiegames is the place to go anytime you need a game that isn't entirely new, like this date's Wii U and 3DS. But they carry the 2nd newest options, DS and Wii, PS3, ect; can't be a really old game either, or a japanese import. But WHO CARES, what they have is PERFECT!
Reviewed by: Reggie Willing from Virginia on 4/4/2013
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